Providing affordable Demo's for club/record label solicitations
Mobile recording services available
Click link below to hear some live demo cuts from the Digital Underground
We will soon be beginning work on "Myndflow"s Debut Full length CD. Myndflow is the Hottest Live band in the Charlotte NC area. They are members of the "Mullet Militia" taking the area by storm. It's the best show happening. Myndflow has been tearing down the house a Tremont Music Hall. Catch them if you can and,
"Open Up Your Mynd"
Session Update: Saturday Feb 1st .
We've begun recording Myndflows debut full length CD, here at the Digital Underground. We set up Friday night, and started tracking Saturday morning.
Saturday morning we tracked Billy's drums. We knocked out 10 songs in 5 hours.
Monday Feb 3rd, Phil and Matt came in, in the morning, and Matt layed down all of his bass tracks.
Tuesday morning the 4th, Phil came back and put down half of his tracks, and followed up that night to finish out the guitar tracks. Dustin will be rewriting some tunes, and should be ready soon to start the Vox.
Myndflow fans, this is gonna be a killer CD.